We offer tutoring support in all academic areas. Our tutors provide support in acceleration and intervention. Each child is unique in their gifts and talents from the Lord. Our goal for each child is academic growth with a focus on creating a love for learning. Goal setting, assessments, and individual plans are discussed and developed with the family to provide a specific pathway and partnership for growth and success.
Students receive one-on-one instruction with a teacher with a specific plan and targeted learning goals. Each session is 45 - 55 minutes.
Students receive small group instruction with a teacher based on readiness levels and needs. Each session is 45 - 55 minutes.
Students receive online tutoring for 30-40 minutes with a focus on specific learning goals.
Our content area specialists provide concentrated support in the following areas.
Specialized support with K-10th grade mathematics in addition to pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra 2 concepts.
Specialized support for biology and chemistry classes.
Specialized support in reading comprehension using research based strategies for instruction K-12. Support in writing skills K-12.
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